
Showing posts from June, 2023

The Dog Woman of Watts by Kevin Wikse

  6/8/23 Amazing the life of its own, this simple piece I wrote took on. I've become an authority concerning the Dog Woman of Watts in many ways, most of them small. Seeing and reading the reactions this piece has caused has also been an experience. For the most part, I am happy to have become a key contributor to the discussion. My name and work are cited, and I am credited for my writing. I am sure Clifton would get a kick out of knowing that.  I cleaned up and revised my original piece in 2016 or 2017. I will include a link to the original post at the end. I find it fascinating that my speculations and postulations, especially concerning MK-Ultra and Animal/Human hybrid genetic experimentation, have emerged as fact. It serves as validation and inspiration to continue researching and writing. To all those who have attempted to misrepresent my work, thank you. You have been the best advertising I could hope for. All this dirt you tried throwing on my name made me a hill to stand o