
Showing posts with the label Necronomicon

Passing the Gates with the Necronomicon by Kevin Wikse.

I advise extreme caution in approaching the rites contained in the Necronomicon. The book itself is highly dubious (the best Grimoires usually are); however, the potency expressed is unique for a decidedly modern Grimoire. Whatever the source of this, and while I could speculate in great depth, I won't, it is tangible and has lasting effects. You have been warned.  Passing the Gates  is a series of initiatory rites within the Necronomicon, a grimoire of highly dubious origins (the best grimoires usually are) supposedly chronicling the ancient Sumeria-Babylon rituals and arcanum. Contrary to widespread misunderstanding,  The Necronomicon  has little to do with Necromancy or consulting the human dead. Instead, it is a book of dead names. Names of the Elder Gods. Dead to human memory, mostly. Be wise if it were left unspoken. They could stir in their graves and cast attention on the speaker. I am unconvinced the Necronomicon survived the vast passage of time to be reprinted and sold i