
Showing posts with the label Palo Mayombe

Who or What killed Christopher Alan Whiteley by Kevin Wikse.

  1/11/24 *I am the  first  to suggest a Jaguar as a potential killer of Christopher Alan Whiteley. I want to state this upfront as the typical internet podcaster or blogger tends to give little to no credit or explain where their ideas stem from. Popularity, "likes, and subscribes" are their only real motivation. My reasoning for a Jaguar will make sense, and I want to honor where my idea came from as it has genuine real-world implications.  I've found an interesting parallel between a man named Christopher Alan Whiteley and a topic I posted an article on in 2017 or maybe 2018, and in doing so, I became a principal and often cited contributor to the narrative known as the "Dog Woman of Watts." I raised some eyebrows when I speculated that perhaps the Dog Woman of Watts was potentially an agent of retribution. I conducted a phone interview with a man named Clifton. He was an eyewitness to the Dog Woman and shared proximity to the rumors that circulated in the af

A Palero's dissertation and experiences in the Shadow World: Part 1 by Kevin Wikse

* This is based on notes from numerous expeditions I took into the Shadow Realm or La Sombra del Mundo circa 2014 to 2017.  A "Palero" is a Priest or Tata of Palo, usually Palo Mayombe.  **The process I used to enter the La Sombra del Mundo I will NOT divulge. It is  similar  to Astral Projection, but that is not shared information. I am not talking about "imagination," "guided imagery," or "visualizations." The conscious to the nearly conscious transition of awareness to another body resides in another realm.  I step into darkness... I become aware that I am walking through a crowded sidewalk toward an open-air market. The foot traffic is thick, coming and going both ways, and I can feel the jostle of other bodies brushing past mine. I realize that my body feels more solid in comparison. They feel nearly weightless. As if hollow and buoyant, like a birthday balloon. When we accidentally collide, I carry more force. The dream-like expression on t