
Burley, Idaho: Here be dragons.

UPDATE! I sincerely hope that whoever reads this blog post heeds my advice. Stay away from the Wind Cave. Stop looking for it. It is dangerous and carries with it  real  consequences. I understand that most of you are fans of High Strangeness or the weird and unusual. Why not? It's fun. However, almost none of you have experienced the terror-born stress of being a targeted individual under steady but thinly veiled surveillance and semi-anonymous threats of violence to you and your family. It  will  destroy your relationships, marriage, and career, forever altering your perception of security.  This is happening right now to someone who saw my blog post on an online forum and thought they were somehow special or immune. Reality bites, and it bit  hard . Do I feel for this person? Yes. However, I made it clear that consequences of this exact nature could likely result, and they did. To everyone else, spare yourself the nuclear-level psychological breakdown and emotional collapse. Be

Passing the Gates with the Necronomicon by Kevin Wikse.

I advise extreme caution in approaching the rites contained in the Necronomicon. The book itself is highly dubious (the best Grimoires usually are); however, the potency expressed is unique for a decidedly modern Grimoire. Whatever the source of this, and while I could speculate in great depth, I won't, it is tangible and has lasting effects. You have been warned.  Passing the Gates  is a series of initiatory rites within the Necronomicon, a grimoire of highly dubious origins (the best grimoires usually are) supposedly chronicling the ancient Sumeria-Babylon rituals and arcanum. Contrary to widespread misunderstanding,  The Necronomicon  has little to do with Necromancy or consulting the human dead. Instead, it is a book of dead names. Names of the Elder Gods. Dead to human memory, mostly. Be wise if it were left unspoken. They could stir in their graves and cast attention on the speaker. I am unconvinced the Necronomicon survived the vast passage of time to be reprinted and sold i

A poem penned by death's hand: Automatic Writing session with the Nightstalker.

I have repeatedly heard that interest in the occult and the development of mediumistic talents often results from near-death experiences (NDE) and UFO-based abduction. Like many legitimate experiencers of high strangeness, this began for me when I was young and for the same reasons. I was either 11 or 12 when I was given a coven-only copy of the art of Necromancy (contacting the dead) employed by the Witches of Solvang, a witch cult operating in Solvang, California. Since then, I have been driven to pursue, document, and experience paranormal phenomena from the inside out.  The following is an example of that drive. I do not suggest anyone copy what little of my methodologies I share. The paranormal and the occult are  not  practices to take lightly. They have consequences, and those consequences can be dire. Take me seriously, or laugh, but you have been warned either way.  In the practices of spiritism and Necromancy, a thing or object through which a person's spirit passes, espe