
The Dog Woman of Watts by Kevin Wikse

  6/8/23 Amazing the life of its own, this simple piece I wrote took on. I've become an authority concerning the Dog Woman of Watts in many ways, most of them small. Seeing and reading the reactions this piece has caused has also been an experience. For the most part, I am happy to have become a key contributor to the discussion. My name and work are cited, and I am credited for my writing. I am sure Clifton would get a kick out of knowing that.  I cleaned up and revised my original piece in 2016 or 2017. I will include a link to the original post at the end. I find it fascinating that my speculations and postulations, especially concerning MK-Ultra and Animal/Human hybrid genetic experimentation, have emerged as fact. It serves as validation and inspiration to continue researching and writing. To all those who have attempted to misrepresent my work, thank you. You have been the best advertising I could hope for. All this dirt you tried throwing on my name made me a hill to stand o

Conspiracy FACT: WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW NOW: The Iron Mountain Report: The break down by Kevin Wikse

  The origins of this oft-quoted report, including its chilling and irritatingly compelling stratagems (for the weakening of the United States so it may more easily be merged into a global government based on communism), are traced back to a think-tank study ordered in 1961 but released in 1966 called the  Report from Iron Mountain . The report’s authenticity has been questioned, a common theme regarding leaks suggestive of government treason against its own citizens, the report is said to have been commissioned by the DOD, the Department of Defense under Defense Secretary, Robert McNamara, and compiled by the Hudson Institute located near the base of Iron Mountain in Croton-on-Hudson, New York.   Hudson Institute founder, Herman Kahn, formerly of the Rand Corporation, was a member of the CFR, Council of Foreign Relations, as was Defense Secretary Robert McNamara. The purpose of the study was to summarize and explore options to stabilize society during America’s transition from a “war-

A Palero's dissertation and experiences in the Shadow World: Part 1 by Kevin Wikse

* This is based on notes from numerous expeditions I took into the Shadow Realm or La Sombra del Mundo circa 2014 to 2017.  A "Palero" is a Priest or Tata of Palo, usually Palo Mayombe.  **The process I used to enter the La Sombra del Mundo I will NOT divulge. It is  similar  to Astral Projection, but that is not shared information. I am not talking about "imagination," "guided imagery," or "visualizations." The conscious to the nearly conscious transition of awareness to another body resides in another realm.  I step into darkness... I become aware that I am walking through a crowded sidewalk toward an open-air market. The foot traffic is thick, coming and going both ways, and I can feel the jostle of other bodies brushing past mine. I realize that my body feels more solid in comparison. They feel nearly weightless. As if hollow and buoyant, like a birthday balloon. When we accidentally collide, I carry more force. The dream-like expression on t

Paranormal: Mothman tracking on the Realm of Shadow by Kevin Wikse

  La Sombre del Mundo   *This is a project I work on with my spiritual Temple. However, the importance of this protocol is enough to cause me to share it with the world in the names of Faith, Hope, and Charity.  Faith, Hope and Charity A topic I have touched on before but one which bears reiteration and better explanation in the Shadow World, or as it is called the  La del Sombra Mundo , meaning "the world's shade" or "shade cast by the world." A spiritus loci that is equal parts intriguing, mysterious and dangerous. Within the metaphysical structure of the Tree of Life or Universal Kaballah, the Shadow Realm is known as the "Blackest Earth." The muted colors of citrine, olive, brown, and black represent the blended elemental qualities of Malkuth, the tenth spherioth or the material plane being so far away from the source of creation and light of Kether, the first spherioth.  The nine spherioth above Malkuth (which includes Kether) are emanations or pr