
Showing posts from July, 2023

The Missing of Crater Lake by Kevin Wikse.

Originally posted HERE on 01/13/2013 on Might and Magick .  According to the research of David Paulide's Missing 411 organization, Crater Lake National Park in Oregon houses the second largest of missing people from National Parks in the United States, seconded by Yosemite National Park in California. The National Park Service has not been forthcoming with numbers regarding people who have gone missing in their parks. Using David's research as a guide, I struck out on my own and ran his numbers to see if I could substantiate them. Oregon has the highest number of open missing person cases, particularly children, in the lower 48, followed by Arizona. These facts add creditability to David's Carter Lake National Park findings. An open missing person case means little to no trace of the individual has been found, not a body or majority remains. The person has effectively vanished, and often in the case of Nation Parks, the missing person receives the label of "missing p

2030 UFO Agenda Childhood's End by Kevin Wikse.

Originally posted HERE on 01/03/2019 on Might and Magick  The following admission makes me nervous, but I am taking a chance. If I am wrong, the only consequence is I lived my next 11 years the way I would anyway and encouraged others to do the same. I can accept that. Not long ago, I was contacted by a group, maybe "think-tank" is a better term, of individuals with ties to upper-level government and black projects. A few of these individuals have been involved since the 1950s; however, they are old and will pass on soon. They confirm President Dwight Eisenhower was coerced by the Pentagon into a contract with Extra-Terrestrials, Zeta-Reticuli Greys. In exchange for giving us advanced technology, our Government would allow them to abduct a set number of American citizens yearly. Further stipulations stated the Greys must tell our Government exactly who they abducted, when, and for how long. Abductees were not to be physically harmed too severely, returned to where t