The Missing of Crater Lake by Kevin Wikse.

Crater Lake Missing 411 Kevin Wikse

Originally posted HERE on 01/13/2013 on Might and Magick

According to the research of David Paulide's Missing 411 organization, Crater Lake National Park in Oregon houses the second largest of missing people from National Parks in the United States, seconded by Yosemite National Park in California. The National Park Service has not been forthcoming with numbers regarding people who have gone missing in their parks. Using David's research as a guide, I struck out on my own and ran his numbers to see if I could substantiate them.

Oregon has the highest number of open missing person cases, particularly children, in the lower 48, followed by Arizona. These facts add creditability to David's Carter Lake National Park findings. An open missing person case means little to no trace of the individual has been found, not a body or majority remains. The person has effectively vanished, and often in the case of Nation Parks, the missing person receives the label of "missing presumed dead."

People do not just disappear (there are exceptions, but that is not the rule). We have bodies and thus remain. We leave tracks, leave blood, and scent trails. When a person vanishes with little or no trace, this generally indicates foul play, with the minor exception of voluntary or purposeful disappearance. So what is happening in Oregon that people are vanishing in these numbers?

Animal attacks? Maybe, but animal attacks are messy. Blood, bones, skin, and later remains in animal defecation are routinely discovered. Are people merely getting lost in the woods? Again, maybe, however, people lost in the woods are almost always found within a few days and usually alive. An open missing person case means no corpse has been discovered — no indication if the person is dead or alive or how or why the individual is missing. Nothing to close the case, so it stays "open."

The work of serial killers? Once more, maybe, but that would mean Oregon is home to the most successful and long-lived serial killers (or killers) in American history. If it is a serial killer or a crew of serial killers (like the Smiley Face Killers), they need to be brought to justice. Why hasn't the Federal Government, or the state of Oregon, launched a full-scale investigation into this, or even just Crate Lake National Park?

Crater Lake has a dangerous paranormal legacy stretching back thousands of years. Klamath and Modoc tribal traditions cite Crater Lake as a battleground where two Gods violently clashed. Tribal lore states Crater Lake is a two-way portal or mirror. Anyone swimming to the bottom of Crater Lake would surface into another world. The Klamath and Modoc peoples warn of monsters that live in, near, and under the lake.

Wizard Island stands in the middle of Crater Lake. According to tribal lore, people have been carried away by the wind, or powerfully compelled to swim, to Wizard Island. They are never seen again. The Klamath and Modoc people claim they see strange unknown creatures lurking on the island or find them washed up on the shore. These creatures resemble a mash-up of multiple known animals, including human-animal hybrids.

People still go missing at Crater Lake National Park. My colleagues and I think these people are disappearing as the Klamath and Modoc tribe members did.

Crater Lake is suspected to be the deepest lake in North America, and its depths at present are primarily unexplored. Free-roaming paranormal or extra-dimensional entities and genetic experimentation on Wizard Island are not dissimilar to the stories of Plum Island, New York. Crater Lake is the result of a volcanic eruption. There is no telling where all those lava tubes potentially lead to.

It's high time someone did more than report on Crater Lake National Park. A camera crew must spend a couple of weeks exploring Crater Lake, conducting physical paranormal and occult-based research at the lake and on Wizard Island while documenting the findings.

I could get up to the task. Interested? Let me know.

-Kevin Wikse


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